What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

Priyanka Khatri
3 min readMay 20, 2021


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is marked by an infection of a woman’s reproductive organs. The infection occurs in the pelvis that lies in your lower abdomen and comprises the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. According to an article published by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, 3–10% of Indian women visit hospitals to treat PID. Luckily, oral antibiotic treatments have been reported to ensure 88–100% of microbiological and clinical cure.

Here is everything you need to know about the pelvic inflammatory disorder.


PID can be caused by various kinds of bacteria like those responsible for the sexually transmitted infections of chlamydia and gonorrhoea. The bacteria generally first enter your vagina and then infect you. Gradually, the infection may progress into your pelvic organs and sometimes, to the bloodstream.

Risk factors

  • A history of PID
  • Suffering from chlamydia or gonorrhoea
  • Douching (using a mixture of water and other fluids like vinegar to wash the vagina)
  • A recent insertion of an intrauterine device
  • Having sexual intercourse without a condom
  • Having regular intercourse under age 25 years


Some women may not develop any symptoms. Others may show the following signs of PID:

  • Pain in your lower abdomen (the most typical sign)
  • Pain in your upper abdomen
  • Tiredness
  • Fever
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain while urinating
  • Foul smell from your vagina
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding

Sometimes, symptoms can be severe and include:

  • Vomiting
  • Unbearable abdomen pain
  • High fever
  • Fainting

If you notice any of the above signs, ensure to visit the best gynaecologist in Delhi right away.

Long-term complications

If PID is untreated, there can be the following future complications:

  • Infertility (i.e., being unable to conceive a baby)
  • Ectopic pregnancy (which develops outside your uterus)
  • Chronic pelvic pain (occurring in your lower abdomen due to the scarring of pelvic organs like your fallopian tubes)

Ways of Prevention

  • Practice safe sex (by using barrier methods of contraception like condoms).
  • Visit the gynaecology department in a women’s hospital to be tested for any sexually transmitted infections.
  • Don’t douche.
  • After you use a bathroom, wipe from the front to the back. This can prevent bacteria from invading your vagina.


Since the specific type of bacteria responsible for your condition is uncertain, the doctor may recommend two kinds of antibiotics. These can treat a range of bacteria. Within a few weeks of taking the antibiotics, the symptoms may improve or disappear. Nevertheless, you must complete the medication to prevent your infection from recurring.

You may need to visit a women’s hospital if you:

  • Cannot swallow pills
  • Are pregnant or sick
  • Have an abscess (a pocket of pus formed due to your infection) in the pelvis

It is rare, but you could need surgery to treat the condition if:

  • Other treatments cannot improve your symptoms
  • An abscess in the pelvis does or is suspected to rupture

The best gynaecologist in Delhi can recommend a suitable treatment plan if you develop the pelvic inflammatory disease. Once you’re successfully treated and can conceive, the gynaecologist can also guide you with optimal pregnancy care.

